• Адрес: 410002, г. Саратов, ул. Волжская, д. 3
  • Телефон: (8452) 23-84-50.
  • Телефон/факс: (8452) 232-237.
На нашем сайте вы сможете ознакомиться с каталогом природного камня+7 (8452) 23-84-50

Sarco Ltd.

Saratov, Russian Federation

To get the information you need, calculate the cost of the work of cutting of stone, its delivery and installation, and get expert advice you can contact us at the contact numbers listed below, or drive to the office of Sarco and personally talk to our manager.

To place an order, pre-check all the data necessary to calculate the price.

«Sarco» Ltd.
Address: 410002, Saratov, Pervomaiskaya str., 37/45.
Phone: +7 (8452) 23-84-50, 232-237
Fax: +7 (8452) 232-237

E-mail: ooosarco@ya.ru, info@sarco.ru
Website: sarco.ru

Open: Monday-Friday: 10:00 to 18:00 (GMT+4).
Closed: Saturday, Sunday.